Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Scary Hairy Shower

I do not like taking shower-baths in foreign places. Here is one reason why.

Eww: Taking a shower in a strange motel.

Yuck: Finding a hair that looks suspiciously not of the cranial variety.

Gross: Before anyone has even set foot in the shower.

Apparently, clean apparently differs from state to state.

I made a taco wreath for Doug and me tonight. I apparently didn't get the crescent rolls far out enough on the cookie sheet, so it ended up turning into a taco ring. It was some yummy goodness.

Next up: tortilla soup for my family (and/or Giselle/Doug/anyone else if they care to join--apparently the recipe makes a BOATload)


Amanda Z said...

That taco ring looks goooood.

Think Subway thoughts...
Think Subway thoughts...

Rachel said...

I can assure that mine did not look quite so tasty, but it was quite yummy. And it's totally Kosher fat-free, so no worries there.

Amanda Z said...

Fat Free? Say what?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha There is NO way that is fat free. Looks good though.

Rachel said...

In my house growing up the joke was when we ate something that was really bad for us or something that could be considered a guilty pleasure, we would "console" each other by saying "Don't worry, it's kosher fat-free."