Wednesday, October 05, 2005

The Phone Bomb

You know how I deal with uncomfortable situations? I make jokes about them!

Tonight's "Uncomfortable Situation of the Month" (month instead of week because it was a biggie) is brought to you by random church member:

I'm sitting on the pew tonight and a lady that I BARELY know (but Doug knows pretty well?) sitting two pews in front of Doug and me turns around. She tells us and the two older women sitting a pew ahead of us that she got this new Nokia phone last week, but has no idea how to turn it off. She then asks Doug to show her how and hands him a phone very similar to this one. Doug messes with the phone for about a minute; he can't figure out how to turn off the phone. As he starts to hand it back to the woman, I intercept his hand and say "Lemme see that." Not in a rude voice.

For the last few years, I owned one of those free AT&T Nokia phones. I knew the trick! There's a big huge button on the TOP of the phone. I verify that this is correct, hand the phone back to the woman, and proceed to explain just how to turn it off. She is mighty happy once she got the hang of the trick. She turns around says to Doug, "Doug, you need to marry that woman."

OMG! She just dropped the "M" bomb! How could she? Doesn't she realize the uncomfortable silence that will follow?

Uncomfortable silence...

Uncomfortable silence...

Uncomfortable silence...

To make things more tolerable for me in my head, I was thikning: If the simple ability to turn off a cell phone = good wife material, apparently I've got it made.


Anonymous said...

It's all about the PHONE! Oh yeah, you didn't know about these rules?

If you can turn off a cell phone, you're wife material. If you can answer the phone, you're a good listener. If you can find a cell phone when it's on vibrate, you are a good cook. And, if you can program a phone, you're very fertile. It's that simple.

Hey, don't ask me about these rules. They have been passed down since cell phones where invented millions and millions of years ago . . . oh yeah can't argue with that.

Hey Miss Critic, did you ever watch the movie, The Big Empty? It was released in 2003. It's honestly one of the better movies that I have seen lately. Better because it's different.

Rachel said...

I've not seen it. If you take a look at the things I choose to watch, I think you'll find that a majority of the movies are probably considered "different." Or in the very least, they would probably be considered lesser knowns/independent/foreign.

Thanks for the suggestion.

ET said...

See, the M bomb should have prompted Doug to make some witty comeback, not just sit there dumbfounded. I don't know Rachel...