Where the Red Fern Grows (2003) = 7/10. Good wholesome family entertainment. I wanted to see this updated version simply because it was filmed in Oklahoma and I can remember newscasts when they were filming it here. I remember my daddy reading the book to me in 2nd grade. It was the first book I can remember sneaking a peek at how it ended. If you haven't read this book to your child, they're missing out on a classic.
Michael Moore's The Awful Truth: Season 1, Disc 1 (Episodes 1-6) = 8/10. While I don't agree with some of the things the man does, this series is quite amusing for the most part. I mean, come on...the Voice-Box Choir on episode 2 is one of the funniest things I've seen in a few years. He takes people who have lost their voice boxes due to smoking or second-hand smoke and they sing at the headquarters of key players in the tobacco industry. Sad, but very funny.
Diarios de motocicleta (The Motorcycle Diaries) = 7/10. Maybe I would have enjoyed this movie if I understood the history of South America during the 50s or knew the story behind these two people. It just didn't strike a meaningful chord with me.
Background facts:
- There is a marsh-like water-filled ravine thingy behind my apartment.
- Every winter, mallards and Canadian Geese like to make the marsh their home.
- When the Canadian Geese fly back to the marsh for the evening/morning, they honk loudly and touch-down with a loud splash in the marsh.
- Shelby barks like a psycho dog if anyone knocks on the front door. It's very difficult to make her stop.
- When making fun of people with A.D.D. and how they are easily distracted, I will often use the phrase "oh look, a bird!" For example, "Yeah, then Bob and I went shop...oh, look a bird." As in, the person talking was suddenly distracted and completely changed subjects.
- I did not make up the phrsae "oh look a bird."
Me: You know if I don't answer you're just supposed to walk in, right?
Guest: Yeah, I know. But...I saw a bird!
Me: Wha?
Guest: I knocked on your door, and then heard the goose [honking]. So, I moved [over to the side of your breezeway] so I could see it. It made a big splash sound when it landed in the water.
Me: Uh-huh...so...basically what you're saying is that you knocked on my door and literally had an ADD "Oh, look! A bird" moment?
Guest: Yeah. I didn't know you were on the phone.
He/she SO has ADD.
I would probably go to the see the Canadian Geese also, it is something I don't see every winter, and I don't consider myself ADD.
I just picked up boychild and there were about 200 Canadian Geese at a park close by...it was awesome. Then they started walking single file, which is also nifty to watch.
Also, I read Where the Red Fern Grows in sixth grade. Actually, we were reading it as a class but I had to get a copy and finish it early. I was on the school bus when I got to the end and remember crying all the way home. One of those traumatic childhood books. Boychild read it a few years ago. I never saw the movie because I hate to see a good book ruined. Although Dave Matthews was a draw. The movie Because of Winn Dixie sucked, but he was cute in that.
There are two versions of Where the Red Fern Grows: 2003 and 1974. The 2003 version is way more kid-friendly. I can remember seeing gore in the 1974 version when the boy falls on the ax. At least I think. It's been a LONG time since I've seen the 1974 version.
The book Because of Winn-Dixie was better than the movie, but not just wonderful.
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