Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cali twice in a year

Evan Almighty (2007) = 7/10. I love Steve Carell! A good message plus awesome visual effects and makeup, too.

Knocked Up (2007) = 3.5/10. The minuscule amount of humor in this movie was completely squelched by the view of her vagina crowning.

Music and Lyrics (2007) = 4.5/10. I was a little bored.

The sad California sojourn has been over for a week now. Doug's 94-year-old granny passed away October 11 and the four of us grandkids (that's me now!) flew out together on a claustrophobia-enducing ExpressJet flight to say our collective final goodbye. One thing I never took into consideration when I got married was hugging. Let me explain: I met all these new people and they all seemed to automatically go for a full-body hug when they found out I was now part of the family. Thankfully, I'm ok with most hugging. Otherwise, I might have been a bit freaked out.

I could go into details of the trip, but instead I'm mainly going to talk about the lady sitting across the 6-inch wide aisle on the flight out there. And a little bit of the trip.

ExpressJet doesn't leave you hungry. There was a short stopover midway through the flight and between both flights, we had a total of 6 mini-meals. When we first got on the plane, the near-elderly woman had a breakfast sandwich from Quizzno's in her hand. She proceeded to eat this sandwich not like a normal person, eating from the would-be heel of the bread down, but from the SIDE of the sandwich. It left her with a pencil-thin sandwich by the end of it all. We both found it quite odd.

An hour later, sidewayssandwicheating woman was given a bagel and cream cheese. She smeared cream cheese over the bagel and instead of picking it up to eat. she cut a tiny part off first. Why not save yourself the cutting step, lady? I'll bet she also eats a hot dog with a knife, too.

The rest:

*Doug has now set foot into a Sephora. And he bought something. It's all part of my master plan. Mwa ha ha!

*I have been in a Trader Joe's now. I love chocolate. I love edamame. But CHOCOLATE-COVERED edamame just sounds icky.

*Why does it look like my pants are pulled up to my bra here?:

10-18-2007 Granny Stamper Funeral

*I finally understand what "really good, bland, but flavorful Mexican food" means.

*Anyone want to tell us what the extra shower sprayer thingy is for here?:

10-19-2007 Doubletree J

A closer view:

10-19-2007 Doubletree K

Was I supposed to clean my boobs with it or something? You could BARELY move the knobs around to make it spray in another direction.

*I missed Amanda's wedding. I was completely bummed as I had been looking forward to it for nearly a year.

*If you're the kind of person who thinks yelling is a way to earn respect, you lose ALL of mine.

1 comment:

Amanda Z said...

I loved "Knocked Up", though I completely agree about the unneccesary vagina scene.

I'm sorry to hear about Doug's Grandma.

Wish you could have been at the wedding. It was fantastic, can't wait to get my pictures from the photographer!!!

Happy Halloween!